March 06, 2013

Tutorial: How to make studded barrettes with pronged studs!

Crazy about hair accessories? I know I am. I got so crazy, that I bought 20 French barrette blanks from Ebay to add to my collection! Hehe. Previously, my fringe was too short to use a barrette  so I had to use crocodile clips. There are only so many ways to deco your crocodile clip! So as soon as I could use a french barrette, I converted :) So, now when I am going through a "French barrette" phase, I just had to find a way to make more to add on to my collection. Look at this:

From whipped cream barrettes, to rhinestone barrettes to bow barettes! I have them all! HAHA! Every single one of them was handmade by me^^ From felt to real leather to ribbons, I tried to make every one of my barrettes special! Hahaha.

So. I was just thinking about how to make a studded barrette because I bought a packet of studs to stud my top and I had so many leftovers(because I was greedy and bought 100 in a go) They were pronged so I could not just glue them on.

BUT. I found a way, and I am gonna share it today! ^^

This is my first time doing a compiled tutorial! It is much easier:) I did it my way, so ya.

All you need is some felt, pronged studs, hot glue gun(mine is pink<3) a French barette and some studs! I used a 60mm French barette and I cannot remember the size of my studs probably around 12/11mm? Maybe? I used 5 studs per barrette....

Have a insulating something to hold your stud. I used a scrap leather. I went on to make a bow with my leather with this tutorial (bow as shown above)!

 Measure the felt to be a little smaller than your studs.

Add glue to the empty space of the stud to fill it, 3/4 full will do and wait for it to cool and harden a wee bit before  pressing the felt onto the glue.

Prong it.(Is this even how I am supposed to describe the process?!

Continue to the end.

Add glue to the barrette and press it gently to the pronged and glued felt. Do not flatten the glue.

Ta-da! You are done! Wait for it to cool completely before putting it in your hair please. HAHA.

Okay. That is it. Your very own studded barrette! ^^

Okay, That is really all I wanted to share today.


Rebecca :)

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